We’ve generally avoided writing an About Us page to this point. After all, everyone has one and there are only so many creative things you can do with one. Plus, who in the world wants to read about yet another food blogger and her moonlighting (if a guy helping his wife with her mommy blog can be called that) husband? But as Live Craft Eat continues to grow and take more of our time we figured it was about time to share a little more about LCE and ourselves.
They say marketing is really just storytelling. So here’s the Live Craft Eat story – if you can call it that.
Katie always had a love for many of the things she now blogs about. She had crafted for as long as she can remember, worked as a photographer for the high school yearbook (like 80 years ago) and has always been a wannabe cook. She even wanted to go into graphic design for college but ended up choosing something else. Nonetheless, she was reluctant to start blogging. She knew nothing about blogging and was beyond hesitant to put herself out there for everyone to see her attempts at cooking, crafting and staying organized.
Dustin (picture below!) on the other hand, has neither a creative nor crafty bone in his body. Rather, he’s wired to be analytical and is the most Type A person you’ve ever met. Having been in the online marketing industry for a few years he’d always dreamt (and continues to dream) of working from home sporting a beard (that he can’t grow) in his undies while the passive income just rolls in. Ok, that might be a tad exaggerated but sadly not by much. BTW You didn’t try and click on that fake “undies” link did you?

One of these is not like the others.
So Dustin did what any good husband would do. He had a hypothetical conversation with Katie on what she would call her blog if she was ever finally willing to do one. Dustin had tried to get her to start before, seeing her innate talents but she made excuses. As Katie describes it Dustin waited until she was sick and in bed to buy the domain, reserve the social platforms and get WordPress and hosting set up. In Katie’s words, all that was said at that point was: “start blogging.” Dustin tells an entirely different story but you probably stopped reading four paragraphs ago. Either way, Live Craft Eat was born and we both enjoy working on it – for different motivations.
With all of Dustin’s extremely limited knowledge, a lot of luck, and Katie’s talent Live Craft Eat is off to a great start. If nothing else we enjoy eating what we post including these amazingly delicious cinnamon rolls, or playing with this flubber recipe (repinned 1 million times and counting!) with our four children. We’re still trying to figure this all out but enjoying the journey. Here’s a little bit more Katie and Dustin respectively.
About Katie
Katie is first and foremost a mother. She loves her 4 kids (and counting!) and her world selflessly revolves around them. Blogging will always take a second seat to her family and children. When she does have free time she LOVES all things food, crafting, and home organization. She more than loves large bowls of ice cream (and homemade hot fudge sauce when appropriate) and chicken alfredo. She’s a self-taught photographer and graphic designer. This blog serves as her outlet for crafts, cuteness and beautiful pictures. Thanks for reading!
About Dustin
Dustin for the most part, is the dutiful assistant that helps out behind the scenes for most of what occurs on Live Craft Eat. His small bit role is in the resources, behind the scenes, and growth sections of the blog. Due to his day job as a digital marketer, he also hacks his way through the site management, creation, and growth of Live Craft Eat. He, like Katie, adores his children and is eternally grateful for each one of them. In his limited free time and in no particular order he loves digital marketing, sports, grilling and smoking meat, attempting to make really good wood fired pizza, competition, and books. He’s also always had a deep interest in the Middle East.