i love keeping organized! so it’s no surprise that my site is full of free printables, meal planning templates, calendars and the like. what started out as a free monthly calendar has turned into a monthly freebie that so many of you love and use regularly. i wanted to create a resource for all my calendars so you know where you can check each month. so bookmark this page and check out all the awesome calendars below!
premium calendars available for purchase
below are the links for the monthly freebies posted here on live craft eat. i’ll add links each month as these are posted. generally these are posted 1-3 weeks in advance of the next month. at the time i don’t have the full year available for free, though i do have all of these 2014 monthly calendars in my etsy shop – live. craft. eat. print. – if you just can’t wait.
if for some reason you need a 2013 calendar here are the links for last year’s monthly freebies. December 2013, November 2013, October 2013, September 2013, August 2013, July 2013, June 2013, May 2013, April 2013, March 2013
for the past two years i’ve also done a free yearly calendar. this calendar is meant to be used in a notebook made from a cereal box. jump over and read the tutorial then download your calendar to put it all together. or download them from the link below and then jump over to the tutorial. whatever suits your fancy! many, many of you have asked for different versions (8.5″x11″, weekly calendar inserts, etc) of this calendar. these will be most likely be available in some paid format in my etsy shop starting in 2015.
here’s the link for the 2013 yearly calendar if for some reason you want it. 🙂
updated for 2014! you and/or your kids will enjoy these free rainbow-colored school year calendars. the months and days are already filled in from september 2014-june 2015. 2014 free yearly school calendar
in september 2013 i also posted a school year calendar for moms and their kids. it’s linked below. these calendars are put out annually in august. 2013 school year calendar for moms and kids
this calendar (and reading log!) is designed to keep your kids busy all summer long. help them have lots of fun and learn something new each and every day while school is out. 2014 kids activity summer calendar and reading log
listed below are some of the premium calendars available in my etsy shop live. craft. eat. print. while the shop is just in its infancy there will be plenty more (more than just calendars!) to come in the future. bookmark the shop, this page, or sign up for the LCE email feed (in the sidebar of most pages on the site) to be informed when new items become available. requests are also welcome at katie at livecrafteat dot com.
2015 monthly calendars are now available in my etsy shop: live.craft.eat.print.! they’re the same monthly freebies that come along every month on my blog, but if you’d like them ahead of time or all at once, head on over an have the whole 2015 set readily for you to print at any time!
2014 monthly freebie bundle – remainder of 2014 monthly calendars these are the monthly freebies that are available a couple of weeks before the beginning of each new month. the price is reduced as 2014 advances and there are fewer months remaining.
2014 monthly freebie bundle with notes section this is a monthly calendar bundle that includes a notes section as part of each month’s calendar.