I am so excited to see the sunshine – it has been too long! With lots of rainy weather (typical for this time of year) anytime I happen to catch a ray of sunlight I soak in all I can. I cannot wait to get outside more after this past winter and enjoy the newness of spring. Planting a garden, going on looong walks, and just enjoying the fresh air are all high on my list of to-dos this spring. But that doesn’t mean I don’t also have errands to run, doctor appointments to get to, and myriad other things that take up my time, which is precisely why I need to plan everything out…or I may just spend all day every day outside without any thought whatsoever to the rest of my responsibilities!

I print out this calendar every month to make sure I don’t forget anything. Anytime something is assigned to me I write it on this calendar. It helps to clear my mind and allows me to get ahead by looking to the future and prepping for anything that may be coming up. If you’re into calendaring too then you need to check out our friends at printabulls.com because they have so many free printable calendars in so many designs and options! They also have a whole bunch of free printable to-do lists and other organizational printables all available for free so make sure you head on over there to get and keep yourself organized!
If you’re looking to download my April 2024 banner calendar today, all you need to do is click the link beneath the image just below, download the PDF file to your computer, and print! It’s so fast and easy, but is a perfect way to jot everything in and then post it somewhere you’ll see it often, like your fridge or on the wall above your desk.

Click here to download your Free Printable April 2024 Calendar!
Happy spring!
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