Considering we have flurries forecasted for this weekend I'm going to say that March is officially coming in like a lion. Ugh. I was hopefully we'd have some sunny days coming our way and could get outside and enjoy a little bit of sunshine. Though, being stuck indoors does present a great ...
Free Printable Monthly Calendar :: February 2021
February may be a shorter month than the rest of them but that doesn't mean there isn't as much to do! I always look at February and think it will be an easier month - that there will be less to do, or maybe I'll have more money at the end of it because there are fewer days, but that is never the ...
Free Printable Monthly Calendar :: January 2021
I'm excited for a new year! 2020 was weird, and strange, and changed a lot of things. But I am determined to make 2021 the best year yet! If you'd like some help making 2021 a productive year, be sure to check out these FREE PRINTABLE MEAL PLANNERS - they are really popular here on my blog and ...
The Ultimate Printable Christmas Planner
A lot of times when I find a really great printable planner I read through the post, fall in love with it, and decide the planner is just right for me until I get to the end and am told that it costs a bunch of money. I'm not saying that people should just give things away for free - if they do the ...
Free Printable Monthly Calendar :: December 2020
It really is the most wonderful time of the year! While we've only had one instance of snow (and it melted by the end of the day), it still feels like Christmas. We've been doing a lot of family togetherness time this year and it just feels great to spend the holidays together and enjoy each other's ...