on one hand, i'm really sad that summer is gone. farewell care-free days of sleeping in, swimming, playing outside, blowing bubbles, and going to splash pads! on the other hand, i am sooooo ready for fall to start! i love cooler weather (not snow weather...there is a distinction!) and can't wait for ...
updated general conference activities for kids :: september/october 2017
it's that time of year again, and i am so excited!! i'm referring to my church's semi-annual general conference, of course, where we spend several hours over the course of the weekend listening to the general authorities. i love the traditions we have in our family, like making this delicious ...
lds articles of faith coloring pages
some of my kids are working on their faith in god award for primary. the faith in god booklet includes activities and goals for them to accomplish that help them learn more about the things our church teaches. one of the things they need to do in order to receive their award is memorize all thirteen ...
lds temple word searches
in preparation for the upcoming LDS general conference i was looking at my compilation of activities in my ultimate guide to general conference for kids, and i remembered that i had made some lds word searches a couple years ago. i thought about how my older kids sat for a long ...
lds world temples word searches
if there is one thing i love to do it's to find ways to keep my kids happily occupied while we are in the car, at church, during general conference, or even to use as an activity for family home evening, etc. but i want more than an ipad or a phone to keep them busy - i want something that meets ...