i know it's not the same everywhere, but where i live there is currently no snow to be seen, and i've been going outside and running errands in just a long-sleeved shirt, if not a t-shirt! our trees are actually starting to show little tiny buds and i've seen people outside starting to work on their ...
free printable calendar :: march 2014
i have a feeling march is going to be a lucky month. i'm feeling motivated to work a little harder, and as the quote i have on my fridge says, "the harder you work, the luckier you get." maybe i'm feeling this way because the sun is finally shining after so many grey and gloomy days, or maybe ...
free printable calendar :: february 2014
hey all! it's time for the february calendar! i can NOT believe it is february already...wasn't christmas just last week? and now it's valentine's day? man, the days go by fast. so go ahead and print off this calendar, draw a heart around the 14th (or not), and fill up the month with awesome ...
free printable calendar :: january 2014
i love january. not because of the snow. no way. i love january because it is a chance at a fresh start - a new beginning. no matter what last year brought, this new year is an opportunity to make it right. i plan on being more organized this year. i plan on not wasting my time on unimportant ...
2014 monthly planner calendars :: free printables
hope everyone had a merry little christmas this year! the past month has been a crazy one for our family - from never-ending doctor's visits to out-of-country weddings and every thing in between, we still managed to pull off a great christmas! while we didn't get a chance to squeeze in every ...