i've spent this morning updating a few posts on this blog, singing up for a new scribd account to house some of my printables, responding to emails...i love having my husband home on a holiday - i get so much more done when my kids have someone else to ask their never-ending questions to ;) so if ...
quote :: coincidences are god’s way of remaining anonymous
i've always loved this quote. looking back on all the "coincidences" in my life, i have no doubt that there was a purpose to each one. just wanted to share this since it rings so true to me! download printable .pdf in red, pink, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, or purple. ...
my heavenly father loves me – primary music time song for february
when i saw that february's song-of-the-month for primary was "my heavenly father loves me" i couldn't help but think how appropriate it was for this exact month, considering valentine's day and all. when you think about kids making heart-shaped valentine's with heart-felt messages for their ...
an organized family home evening – in a binder
after having made and posted a few (free!) family home evening kits of my own (i am a child of god, an attitude of gratitude, and understanding those who are different), it became obvious to me that i need to put them somewhere. i had them stored in these cute, fun file folders, but my fhe resource ...
family home evening kit :: i am a child of god
alright everyone - here's a new family home evening kit! the 2013 theme in primary is "i am a child of god" and since we like to try and match up our fhe's with what our kids are learning in primary, we're going to do the same topic for this fhe kit - i am a child of god!! if you're not sure ...